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Infrastructure development and services globally are central to economic activities such as, facilitating trade, economic growth, human development and productivity across many sectors of the economy. ID&EU exists as an industry driven infrastructure development unit coordinated by an Institution of higher learning for the realization of industrialization to enhance Africa’s trade capacity and economic performance through Infrastructure investment.

The main objectives of the Infrastructure Development & Engagement Unit (ID&EU) include:

  • Facilitate Public Private cooperation for Infrastructure Development
  • Enhance analysis and development that will augment industrialization
  • Facilitate project preparation for bankability in the region

Further objectives of the ID&EU which is based in the Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment and Information Technology (EBEIT are:

  • To provide the platform for staff and post graduate students at Nelson Mandela University to participate in Infrastructure Finance Engineering engagement activities in collaboration with the industry including Engineering Procurement Construction Contracts (EPCs) firms.

  • To collaborate with Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), International Finance Corporations (IFCs) and other Multilateral Institution including Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in formulating a strategy for project development that aligned industry standards.

  • To influence the structuring of Infrastructure Projects as an Asset Class that is tradeable to sustain the duration of both greenfield and brownfield phases.